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10 Sep 2010

Tax Depreciation Rates General Determination Number 75

Determination DEP75 (2010) sets a depreciation rate for Marine Fender Systems, which are attached to wharves for protection of the wharf and vessels.

Marine Fender Systems - Depreciation Determination

The Commissioner has set a general economic depreciation rate for Marine Fender Systems. Marine Fender Systems are attached to wharves.

Their function is to absorb large amounts of kinetic energy and to protect the wharf and vessels moored or being moored to the wharf from being damaged should the vessel collide with the wharf.

The Marine Fender Systems consist of a series of steel box frames with plastic or rubber fenders behind. These are mounted on a structural steel frame and may be further supported by chains. They may also use high strength plastic tanks as pneumatic buffers.

Determination DEP75 : Tax Depreciation Rates General Determination Number 75

This determination may be cited as "Determination DEP 75: Tax Depreciation Rates General Determination Number 75".

  1. Application
  • This determination applies to taxpayers who own items of depreciable property of the kind listed in the table below that have been acquired during the 2009/2010 and subsequent income years.
  1. Determination
  • Pursuant to section 91AAF of the Tax Administration Act 1994, I set in this determination the economic rate to apply to the kind of items of depreciable property listed in the table below by:

    • Adding into the "Building and Structures" asset category the asset class, estimated useful life and diminishing value and straight-line depreciation rates listed below:

    • Asset class Estimated useful life (years) DV rate (%) SL rate (%)
      Marine Fender Systems 20 10 7
  1. Interpretation
  • In this determination, unless the context otherwise requires, words and terms have the same meaning as in the Income Tax Act 2007 and the Tax Administration Act 1994.

This determination is signed on the 10th day of September 2010.


Rob Wells
LTS Manager, Technical Standards