Student loan scheme charitable organisations (Order in Council)
2006 list of organisations covered by the student loan scheme charitable organisations exemption.
Section 87 of the Student Loan Scheme Act 1992
Under section 38AE 1(b) of the Act, a student loan borrower who has been personally absent from New Zealand because he or she was working as a volunteer or for token payment for a charitable organisation named in the regulations may be granted an exemption. An exemption entitles that borrower to a full interest writeoff, which gives effect to the government's interest-free student loan policy.
Borrowers living overseas for more than six months will generally not qualify for the interest-free student loans policy which came into effect from 1 April 2006. However, the law gives the Commissioner of Inland Revenue to grant an exemption for certain borrowers who are overseas.
The charitable organisations covered by the exemption are:
- Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA);
- Alay Buhay Foundation Trust;
- Amnesty International;
- ANCOP Foundation International Inc;
- Anglican Social Services (Hutt Valley) Trust Board;
- Caritas Internationalis;
- ChildFund International;
- Christian Blind Mission International (CBMI);
- Christian World Service (CWS);
- CORSO Incorporated;
- Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières;
- ECPAT International;
- Habitat for Humanity International;
- Hibiscus Coast East Timor Appeal Trust (HETA Trust);
- IHC New Zealand Incorporated;
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;
- IN Network;
- International Save the Children Alliance;
- Mahitahi Catholic Overseas Volunteer Trust;
- Mobility Equipment for the Needs of Disabled Trust (MEND);
- New Zealand Family Planning Association Incorporated;
- New Zealand Vietnam Health Trust;
- Oxfam International;
- Pax Christi International;
- RedR International;
- Richmond Fellowship International (RFI);
- Rotary International;
- Soroptimist International;
- SurfAid International;
- Te Ora Hou Aotearoa Incorporated;
- TEAR Fund;
- The Cambodia Trust;
- The Foundation for Peace Studies Aotearoa/New Zealand Incorporated (The Peace Foundation);
- The Fred Hollows Foundation;
- The Leprosy Mission International (TLM);
- The Salvation Army International;
- The UMMA Trust;
- The Volunteer Ophthalmic Services Overseas Charitable Trust (VOSO);
- Trade Aid New Zealand Inc;
- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF);
- United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM);
- Vietnam Cambodia and Laos Support Network (VICALSN);
- Vision Pacific Charitable Trust;
- Volunteer Service Abroad Inc;
- World Vision International;
- WWF; and
- World Young Women's Christian Association (World YWCA).
The amendments were made by Order in Council on 27 March 2006 and came into force on 1 April 2006. (Student Loan Scheme (Charitable Organisations) Regulations 2006, 2006–68)