TIB - April 1995
Policy statements
- GST on supply of goods after a change in use
- Allocation of imputation credits to dividends when company liquidated
- Imputation returns when company liquidated
- Transferring credit DWPA balance to ICA when company liquidated
- Further income tax, imputation penalty tax and additional tax when company liquidated
- Resident withholding tax and certain back-to-back loans
Legislation and determinations
- Adverse events scheme - interest rate increased
- Depreciation - static delimbers (timber industry)
- Tax Administration (Form of Warrant) Regulations 1995
Questions we've been asked
- Income Tax Act 1994
- Goods and Services Tax Act 1985
- Student Loan Scheme Act 1992
- Insolvency Act 1967
Legal decisions - case notes
- Newman v CIR CA 150/94: Subdivision and sale of own land by builder - not a taxable activity for GST
- TRA 94/35: Payment on involuntary termination of employment not a retiring allowance
- TRA 92/20: Whether penal tax charged was excessive
- TRA 93/88: Interest deductibility and apportionment
- TRA 94/45: Whether interest income received was derived from a specified activity
- TRA 93/135: GST input credits on property used for business and accommodation
- TRA 94/97: Compensation payments made by company on shareholders’ behalf not deductible