TIB - December 1999
Binding Rulings
- Local authority rates apportionments on property transactions - Goods and Services Tax treatment: Public Ruling - BR Pub 99/8
- Product Ruling - BR Prd 99/27
Legal decisions – case notes
- Whether objector liable to pay tax on salary initially credited or only on rectified amount: TRA Numbers 97/119 & 97/120. Decision Number 025/99
- Whether amounts assessed as deemed dividends repaid to the company: TRA Number 97/147 & 97/148. Decision Number 026/99
- Application for a stay of proceedings pending the outcome of a test case: Bage Investments Ltd v CIR
Questions we’ve been asked
- Returning residents’ visas - when a person seeking such a visa is resident for tax purposes: Section OE 1(1) Income Tax Act 1994 - Determination of residence of a person other than a company
Correction to public ruling BR Pub 99/8 commentary
An error has been identified in the Commentary to public ruling BR Pub 99/8, published in TIB Volume Eleven, No.11 of December 1999.
A typographical error occurs in the penultimate line of Example 2 on page 7 of the TIB. The line should read:
“GST 12.5% on x minus y”, not “...x plus y”.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.