TIB - May 2009
- Commissioner appealing High Court decision on tax avoidance
Binding rulings
- Public ruling BR PUB 09/01: Payments made by parents or guardians of students to state schools – GST treatment
Legislation and determinations
- DET 09/01: Standard-cost household service for homeshare care providers
- Foreign currency amounts – conversion to New Zealand dollars
Operational statement
- OS 09/01: Commissioner’s statement of a mileage rate for expenditure incurred for the business use of a motor vehicle
Legal decisions – case notes
- Value of gain in kind when calculating FIF income or loss was market value of shares disposed of
Standard practice statements
- Withdrawal of INV-300 Acceptance of late objections under section 126 of the Tax Administration Act 1994
Questions we’ve been asked
- QB 09/02: Holiday houses – income tax treatment