TIB - September 2014
Binding rulings
Product rulings: BR Prd 14/08: Body Corporate 358851
Standard practice statements: SPS 14/01: Tax payments – when received in time
Legislation and determinations
- Special Determination S27: Convertible Notes in respect of a limited partnership interest
- Special Determination S28: Application of the financial arrangements rules to the D&C Phase in a public-private partnership
- Special Determination S29: Application of the financial arrangements rules to a public-private partnership
- General Depreciation Determination DEP89: Bench-top pizza ovens and microwave ovens (commercial)
Questions we’ve been asked
- QB 14/07: Tax Administration Act 1994 – proscribed questions
- QB 14/08: Income tax – costs of demolishing an existing building on a building site
Legal decisions – case notes
- Sufficient connection – section DA 1 of the Income Tax Act 2004
- Nexus – section DA 1 of the Income Tax Act 2004
- Duplicative claims struck out, security for costs ordered
- Income – onus on disputant
- No invoice where contract conditional
- Privilege for in-house legal advice not waived
- Application by Trinity investors to strike out or stay Commissioner’s liquidation proceedings
- Claims struck out for being filed out of time